Welcome to Camp Gan Israel!

Welcome to Camp Gan Israel, one of the largest and fastest growing networks of Jewish Day Camps in the world. Camp Gan Israel of The Woodlands enjoys a well-deserved reputation as a trendsetter with innovative programming, fun activities and exciting field trips, in a warm and upbeat environment.

Camp Gan Israel is much more than a physical break from the school routine. It is a comprehensive program that includes field trips, swimming, sports, creativity, crafts and more. Campers of all ages enjoy a wide range of exciting activities and field trips in a vivacious atmosphere. At Camp Gan Israel, your child will experience a rich and wholesome summer vacation of fun and excitement, that will give him or her memories to last the whole year.

This website will provide you with all necessary information regarding camp. However if you have any concerns, questions or suggestions, please feel free to call us at Chabad 281.719.5213

More About Our Camp...

Camp Counselors
Our staff is the real secret to our success. Our experienced counselors, are known for their personal warmth and ability to care for each child as an individual. Each counselor is a role model for our children, promising lasting friendships and guidance. Their devotion to the children is truly reflected by the children's love of them.

Jewish Pride  
Camp Gan Israel campers are imbued with a deep sense of pride in our Jewish heritage and a love for the land of Israel.  Weekly Judaic themes are taught through exciting activities, stories, songs, games, challah baking, Shabbat parties, arts n' crafts and more, are all part of the unique Camp Gan Israel experience. From the songs we sing to the crafts we make, our camp's spirit is infused with the love and excitement of Judaism, all of which takes place in a fun and relaxed environment.

Activities & Special Events   
Days at Camp Gan Israel are filled with a wide variety of exciting activities, tailored to the age group and interests of the children.  All of our campers will enjoy twice-weekly swimming, gymnastics, sports, engaging shows, carnivals, hands-on crafts, specialty activities with experienced instructors, baking, theme/dress up days, and Shabbat party! For more details on our activities and special events see our camp schedule

Trips On The Go   
Fun-filled weekly field trips to different places, keep your child going all week long. In addition, campers will have a weekly onsite trip or activity such as pony rides, petting zoo or giant water slide. We work hard to keep your camper constantly engaged in a fun, safe and Jewish environment!